Si deseas que Oscar Lecina interprete esa canción que te gusta y dedicarsela a un ser querido, esta es tu sección PIDE TU COVER.
Escribe y dinos cuál es esa canción que te tanto gustaria que entrara dentro de la selección de temas y si es elegida te escribiremos diciendote el día que será emitida al público, o si deseas dedicarsela a alguien dinos tu el dia en cuestion que te gustaría que fuera emitida.
Muchísimas gracias por tu participación.
If you want Oscar Lecina to interpret that song that you like and dedicate it to a loved one, this is your "PIDE TU COVER" section.
Write and tell us which song is that you would like so much to be included in the selection of songs and if it is chosen you will We will write telling you the day it will be issued to the public, or if you wish to dedicate it to someone tell us the day in question that you would like it to be issued.
Thank you very much for your participation.